Her Century to rise

Time for bold aspirations

Our mission is to energise women to set and pursue bold aspirations

We do it in 4 ways:


Monthly mentoring sessions 

HC webcasts

“The next best you weekends”

Supporting local communities 

Monthly mentoring sessions 

We connect female talent that seek guidance with a more experienced women who can pass on relevant knowledge and experience. We promote women to women connection, to ensure each emerging female can have a chance to learn from more established women.


We run monthly flash mentoring sessions where mentees are paired with one mentor for 2-3 face to face monthly meetings. Each session consists of one hour of one-on-one mentoring. 


To make sessions productive, we use a simple proprietary tool to help you to structure your professional and personal aspirations on a roadmap to a success, as if you were designing a growth plan for a business venture.


HC Growth Plan tool

This simple tool is designed to guide thinking through each of the key components or buildings block for creating your roadmap from today towards your aspirational goal. It gets you to think about your professional and personal plans in a more systematic and formal way, it allows you to understand how each aspect relates to the others.

HC Webcasts

We run global monthly webcasts with prominent female leaders on a variety of topics related to gender equality, sustainability, wellness and personal development.


"The next best you" weekends

In just 54 hours you will create a business plan for your career or personal goals.  You will experience fun and pressure that make up this new exciting experience. As you think about how to set and achieve your ambitions, you’ll meet the very best mentors and fellow women. Check out events section to find an event today!

Supporting local communities 

We seek partnerships with local organisations and encourage our mentees to take roles of mentors and empower women and girls in their communities.


Contact a local chapter to find out more.


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© www.hercentury.org info@hercentury.org